Beiträge von Mastodon aus dem Fediverse zurück im Blog.

Toot Symbol

22. Juli 2024 17:18

Ich verkaufe mal wieder was über eBay, dieses mal Barfußschuhe von Vivobarefoot namens Lisbon -in Schwarz - Größe 46 - Gebraucht, wie neu da nur 1mal getragen seit dem Kaufdatum im Jahr 2018! 😉

Link zum Angebot auf eBay:

Wenn selbst kein Interesse, dann gerne auch weiter teilen. Danke dafür. 😀

Toot Symbol

15. Juli 2024 03:27

Konzentrationen giftiger Metalle in Tampons entdeckt: Forscherinnen fordern mehr Kontrolle bei Hygieneprodukten -

Konzentrationen/Rückstände von giftigen Metallen in Tampons sollte als Körperverletzung gelten, besonders bei einem so wichtigen Hygieneartikel!

Bild von 2 Tampons ohne Umverpackung.
Toot Symbol

12. Juli 2024 09:53

I finally got rid of the old Blog based on WordPress in favor of Ghost and starting over now with a clean and empty Blog. 😃

No legacy Stuff attached this Time. 😉

From now on, only Writings about what I like and my interests like Tech/Gaming/Photography will be published in the Blog. 😁

Articles with deeply personal or mental health related Stuff won't be included in the Blog anymore.

Toot Symbol

12. Juli 2024 03:53

Putin stared the War with Ukraine because of the needs of liberation the ethnic Russians in the Country.

What a practical Lie for Putin that was to justify the forcefully invasion of Ukraine in order to annex this Country back into the Russian empire, as it once was in the Past.

Putin with his imperial fantasies has become the spiritual successor to Hitler.

Maybe it's Time for another Worldwar to teach the important lesson why War is a waste.

Toot Symbol

10. Juli 2024 09:10

[App for Blogging with Ghost & WordPress]

Who knows an App for Android that's capable of writing down in Markdown and sending the Data without much hassle to Ghost or WordPress?

I know there's the official App from Automattic for WordPress but what's existing besides that?

Does an App for Ghost exist at all?

Are there better Solutions, where to find, Link?

Thank you for participating and maybe sharing this Post with a Boost around. 😉👍

Toot Symbol

8. Juli 2024 21:50

@markus and his professional Skills as an Administrator for managed hosting for my Projects is going into the next round. 😉

My own Instance of Mastodon works really fine and stable since it's activation, thanks to his expertise in managed hosting.

The upcoming new Project will be something different, maybe not as heavy as Mastodon but still demanding in terms of utilizing the needed Resources for the modern programming languages. 😁

Toot Symbol

8. Juli 2024 20:54

[App for Blogging with Ghost & WordPress]

Who knows an App for Android that's capable of writing down in Markdown and sending the Data/File without much hassle to Ghost or WordPress?

I know there is the official App from Automattic for WordPress but what existing besides that?

Does an App for Ghost exist at all?

Are there better Solutions, where to find, Link?

Thank you for participating and maybe sharing this Post with a Boost around. 😉👍

Toot Symbol

8. Juli 2024 14:04

I will close this Chapter of WordPress for me now, the second and last Approach, but this Time once and for all and definitely for good. 😃

Despite the Fact that I don't like Change, because I'm Autistic, this Change is sometimes necessary to evolve and simplify my Life in a more suitable Way.

What will come next, isn't that clear to me, scary and interesting at the same time. 😉

Toot Symbol

8. Juli 2024 13:49

While trying to export from an online installation of Bludit to WordPress with a Detour over a local Installation because of recurring Timeouts during the Transfers of exporting and importing the Data, I came to the conclusion that all of this older Posts are no longer necessary for me to have in an active Blog of mine.

So I will save this whole old memories just for me somewhere save and start over a new and clean Blog, with a more specific direction.

Toot Symbol

7. Juli 2024 22:58

It's now Time for me to get rid of everything related with do it yourself hosting and switch to managed Hosting instead in order to have more Time and Nerves left for actual Writing and not more worrying about Code or administrative Tasks. 😉

The next Step will be using more Markdown and not being dependent of a special app to do it. 🤔

Toot Symbol

7. Juli 2024 10:51

Ich werde den bisherigen Blog mit WordPress auf demnächst für die Öffentlichkeit unzugänglich machen und auf einer Subdomain für mich archivieren.

Ob und Was danach kommt, das wird sich dann noch ergeben.

Zukünftig will ich definitiv weniger Zeit in die technische Administration (m)eines Blog investieren, daher vollkommen Neuorientierung.

Weniger ist Mehr! 😉

Toot Symbol

6. Juli 2024 05:27

Na da habe ich vorhin um 05 Uhr einen ordentlichen Fehler produziert, in Form der massenhaften Generierung von Toots (1.400Stück) in nur ein paar Minuten. 😩 😅

Alles nur weil ich vergessen hatte, vorher in meinem Blog das entsprechende Plugin für dass automatisches teilen nach Mastodon zu deaktivieren. 🙄

Na vielleicht kann @markus da noch was nachträglich bereinigen in der Timeline...

Toot Symbol

5. Juli 2024 19:39

Deutschland in der EM 2024 wird wohl gegen Spanien verlieren, sowie das bisher aussieht, mit diesen defensiven Stil der deutschen Nationalmannschaft.

Spanien ist aggressiv auf dem Spielplatz unterwegs, obgleich Spieler beider Mannschaften das herum rollen sowie nachfolgende jammern gleich gut können. 😅

Toot Symbol

4. Juli 2024 17:34

Cortison ist ein Teufelszeug von Medikament!‼️😩🤮

Einerseits beseitigt Cortison zwar so ziemlich jedwede Entzündung im Körper aber auf der anderen Seite steht die teilweise massive Gewichtszunahme, besonders für eine Frau eine Problematik welche arg auf die Psyche schlägt. 🙄

Scheinbar existiert keine alternative Behandlungsform für viele Ärzte, statt den Patienten nur mit immer noch mehr Cortison voll zu stopfen. 😒

Toot Symbol

4. Juli 2024 14:32

I have enough of People who telling me that I have to accept and tolerate as whatever they identify as or feel but on the other Side they don't accept nor tolerate my personal opinion and deny it by calling me names.

FUCK YOU, extremist People!

Tolerance and Acceptance of different Opinions and Lifestyle goes both Ways, that's no one way.

You digging you're own Grave and strength the far right by trying to forcefully dictate Society into your beliefs.

Toot Symbol

2. Juli 2024 18:36

I'm against the Actions of the Government of Israeli with it's Military in the so called Gaza Strip, with eradicating the Hamas and as a Side effect a whole lot of palestinian Citizens as well. 😐

For me, there is a distinctive Difference between the Government and it's Citizens of Israel.

I guess that I'm called by Some an Antisemitic as well now, for stating my own Opinion against this Genocide at the civilian Citizen of Gaza. 🙄

Toot Symbol

28. Juni 2024 16:29

What that so called AI really is or not and why this Phrase is misleading:

"So, as we have seen, LLMs are essentially confident-sounding lying machines with a penchant to occasionally disclose private data or plagiarise existing work. While they do this, they also use vast amounts of energy and are happy using all the GPUs you can throw at them which is a problem we’ve seen before in the field of cryptocurrencies."


Toot Symbol

24. Juni 2024 13:27

Wieder ein negatives Beispiel für mich was Arroganz sowie nicht vorhandene Diskussionskultur angeht:

Eine andere Meinung aushalten, scheinbar kein Bestandteil mehr von Schulbildung oder nur bei bestimmten Personen?

Diese neue "Empfindungs/Empörungs -Kultur" welche scheinbar so viele mitmachen, ist sowas von schädlich für den Diskurs in einer Gesellschaft.

Da sollte beispielsweise angesetzt werden für zukünftige Generationen, aber ist wohl zu anstrengend...🙄🤮

Toot Symbol

24. Juni 2024 09:28

Als ob nichts wichtigeres existiert als Fußball EM dieser Tage, ein weiteres negative Beispiel für mich wie verblödet die Leute mittlerweile sind.

Ersticke dran, an diesem Zeug mit Fußball EM!

Toot Symbol

19. Juni 2024 17:52

I wonder if this User will further complain about me don't using any so called Pronouns while referring to. 🤔

Indeed are strange Times were living in these Days, specially in the digital Space. 🙄

Toot Symbol

19. Juni 2024 17:46

Again I've been the Target of a User of the how i call it Indignation culture, who can't accept that not everyone has the same Opinion as himself. 🤔

Ableism is this Time the Reason for being reported, on my own Instance of Mastodon, by this one User. 🙄

Just by looking at the Profile of this User it became clear to me, any further interaction wouldn't be worth the hassle. 😉

Related with this Post:

Toot Symbol

18. Juni 2024 23:14

Don't post anything as publicly marked on the Fediverse if you don't want Reactions created by it in the first place.

Seems obvious but occasionally I get the feeling that some People don't understand that Concept.

Toot Symbol

18. Juni 2024 22:44

WER hat Lust auf einen neuen WeltKrieg, so mit richtigen Bomben und vielleicht Atomwaffen im Anschluss, wodurch dann Todeszahlen in Höhe von Millionen oder gar Milliarden auf der gesamten Welt im Ergebnis entstehen?

Ordentlich die Rohstoffe verschwenden, um niedere Bedürfnisse einiger Individuen zu bedienen, anstatt als Menschheit voranzukommen.

Krieg hat keine Gewinner, nur Verlierer auf beiden Seiten.

Toot Symbol

18. Juni 2024 22:35

Maybe a next Time has come in my Life for making a few fundamental Decisions about how to further life it from now on.

Do I wanna further waste my personal Energy with writing about Politics/Privacy/Surveillance and their Implications on Society, or do I wanna turn both Eyes blind on that Matter and just focus on anything else in Life what brings me more joy.

Society seems so fucked up these Days, I would happily see it all go to shit and call it a good Thing.

Toot Symbol

6. Juni 2024 16:37


I found out lately that installing of Cities Skylines 2 over Steam, it runs much better and more stable compared to installing the Game through out GamePass which resulted in repeated crashes onto Desktop during playing with no Error log given.🙄

Just recently I bought a digital Copy of Cities Skylines 2 over Steam in hopes it might run better and it did. 😃